Thursday, April 8, 2010

Expectant mothers in Haiti need your help

While in Haiti, Pastor Soaries met with the Haitian Minister of Social Affairs, who is responsible for orphans, the handicapped and other exceptionally marginal Haitians.

The Minister asked Pastor Soaries for some special help that is compelling and very specific. There are pockets of displaced people living in large “tent villages.” In one such place, 68,000 people are living together. In this one area, there are 2,000 expectant mothers. These people exist beneath the radar of the large relief efforts since they have yet to give birth.

The Minister would like to help them by providing every newly delivered child with a “new birth kit” that helps the mother with the basics to tie her over until her new child is “in the system.” The kits should include anything that a newborn needs, from bottles, powered milk to cloth diapers, onsies, hats and blankets.

The Minister would like to start with the 2,000 women in this particular tent village and hopefully attract enough attention to take this nationwide.

If you have any interest in this effort or if you know a company that can help us with this undertaking, please contact Linda Bennett at and express your interest and capacity. My goal is to find a sponsor for this pilot effort and to send the kits to Haiti.

Click on the link below to donate to FBCLG's ongoing Haitian Relief Efforts.

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