Monday, April 5, 2010

How It Works - inLife Journey Coffee & Tea

inLife Journey Coffee & Tea embody our inLife philosophy: A better alternative to an existing product. Let’s face it, most people drink coffee. Coffee is a part of our daily lives. The average coffee drinker drinks 3.2 cups of coffee a day and has never tasted a true “fresh roasted” cup of coffee.

At inLife, we took it a step further. Foods rich in antioxidants have been proven scientifically to help the body in maintaining its health and wellness. In doing so, they also assist the body in its fight against damaging Free Radicals, which have been linked to harmful diseases. Fortunately, antioxidants have proven to be an effective weapon by helping neutralize the effects of free radicals. Drinking inLife Journey Coffee and Tea can help restore the body to its proper balance, leading back to health and well being.

Journey-Coffee & Tea:

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